Grand avenue book project

​Author Mary Christopher is leading a group of volunteers researching the history of Des Moines' Grand Avenue with a goal of gathering that history and accompanying stories into a book.

We'd like to hear from you!

If you have information pertaining to Grand Avenue history to share (family history, photos, memorabilia, film, etc.) or would like to learn more about this project, please

send us an email.

This project is sponsored by 

Des Moines Historical Society.

PROject 1843

​'Project 1843' is to secure contributions for improvements and repairs to the Birthplace of Des Moines/Fort Des Moines II Memorial Cabin at Principal Park.  


Trolley Park

​The Des Moines Historical Society is working to preserve the former Waveland Streetcar Turnaround with a monument/park.


Project Waveland Trolley Monument raised funds to complete an educational memorial honoring the historic Trolley System of Des Moines. 
An important piece of Des Moines’ transportation history has been preserved and recognized.​


Of the Des Moines Historical Society​